Country Info

 Flight Time
Quickest is approx. 9 hours to Miami and 2 hrs from Miami to Belize (requires overnight in Miami on outbound journey).
 Time Difference to UK
GMT - 6 hrs (-7 hrs BST)
English (official)
The Belizean dollar is fixed to the US Dollar and there are two Belizean Dollars to one US Dollar (US dollars widely accepted)
110/220 volts AC - Same as US
Subtropical temps between 26 - 29°C
Annual rainfall ranges from 50 inches in the north to 170 inches in the south
No risk of malaria in Belize. It is advisable to consult your doctor or health professional at least 8 weeks prior to travel for current individual advice. Risk of Zika virus, Dengue Fever and Chikinyungha, particularly in rainy season. Bite avoidance is recommended by covering up and applying mosquito repellent with at least 20% DEET. For more information on health and recommended vaccines see
 Travel Advice
Current Travel Advice for Belize can be found at
UK visitors do not require visas for short stays in Belize. However, a valid passport with at least 6 months validity is required. If travelling via the US, even in transit, you must apply for an ESTA (US visa waiver) and will need to go through immigration.
Hotel Room Tax is 9% and Sales Tax (on goods and services) is 12.5%
Capital City
Belmopan is the capital of Belize, however, the largest city is Belize City and is the main commercial city

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